
Useful Gvim Skills for translation work

As I use linux as normal operating system, and prefer gvim very much. I would like to share some skills to help keep your hands away from mouse bracing the high efficient way of working. Especially for the survive stage vim newbees. I hope the article will help you get into the translation work faster than spending long time learning vim from 0.



1.1 move between msgstr

The basic item of .po file is msgstr, when whose state is untranslated and fuzzy need working on. So jump between the msgstr is very simple:


In both normal and insert state, SHIFT+F1, next untranslated,  SHIFT+F2, pre untranslated
 SHIFT+F5, next fuzzy, SHIFT+F6, pre fuzzy.


If you would like to find a pre msgstr which you just finished to modify, command "`." is a good choice, right back to the specific location you edited.


1.2 move inside msgstr
      msgstr 内移动

Facing a long sentence or changing a fuzzy translation may need us jump inside a msgstr. It is obvious to be stupid if we just use "jkhl" to jump one step a time. So we could jump a word forth or back by using "WwBb". In other situation, when words mixed with tag or other items using f(find in next) or F(find in pre) will be better. We take an example:

当一个比较长的句子,或者是要对 fuzzy 状态的句子进行修改时,句子中间的跳跃如何更方便,可以预见,用jkhl来一个一个单词的跳跃太麻烦了,所以,以单词为单位的 WwBb 就非常方便。在其他情况下,当单词掺杂符号,例如含有标签的更好的方式是f(向后查找)F(向前查找)某个特殊的字母或者符号。例如:

---copy the original text --- (insert mode) SHIFT-F3
---delete from tag to end --- fi(to the word 'is') ct"

--- after translate first line to next line
--- delete the context in second line --- ci"

--- delete text before tag --f<h dT"

Just to show the skill, it is not the best.

BTW, gvim under windows has better experience for the input methods. For example, I use fcitx by which Chinese will be identified only as a whole word for when the f (find) the input method still stay English environment. The ibus or fcitx input methods need more support, with better input method, we will be more efficient. If you have to work under linux, I recommend GNOME whose integrated Input Method is good.


1.3 move about tag
      tag 的移动

Context inside a tag could be identified, so use "cit" will clear context and cursor will stand inside the tag. For example:


---cursor in the scope of tag 
---magic --- cit


Delete is very very simple, just select a region and d.


Be careful of a(all), i(in), t(tag) when use the command d(delete).

2.1 a 删除

2.2 in 删除

2,3 t 删除

3. copy

Why copy is different , because where the text we copy saved, there are something to know. How we use register is very important.

Registers are the default space for vim command y and d.



3.1 number register 

The read-only registers 0 through 9 are your “historical record” registers. The register 0 will always contain the most recently yanked text, but never deleted text; this is handy for performing a yank operation, at least one delete operation, and then pasting the text originally yanked with "0p.

The registers 1 through 9 are for deleted text, with "1 referencing the most recently deleted text, "2 the text deleted before that, and so on up to "9.



3.2  Capital register

"a,"b,"c...are the names of capital registers, you must know there are 26 capital registers.

How to copy context to capital register? Their name plus p like "ay(copy selected to "a).
If  we need added more to the register, use the name in Capital like "Cdd(add the deleted line to the end of "c register str.)



3.3 Other register

"": unnamed register, store the latest delete or yank


"-: the small delete register, store the delete small str with command dw or x


"+: system clipboard, things here could be pasted to everywhere in system.


Here is a simple example of how to use register between more than one file :


If I need to find the sentence contains "enhancements" in the left file to give a hint.

在右侧文件中包含 enhancements 的句子需要在左侧文件中寻找提示。

---select the word ---vw
---yank to register --- "ay

---jump to the left window --- ctrl+x ---  h
---find mode --- /
---from register --- ctrl+r
----from register a --- a

If you need the help of google or csslayer, use "+ register will really help you without mouse.

如果需要将单词或内容放到google translator或者csslayer网站查询,建议使用"+。

I hope more people could handle the basic tool for translation as soon as possible, enjoy translation itself and share the skills with others. 



  1. This is a good post. Useful not only for translators, but also programmers and XML editors.




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