
Gnome new features in each release( from 1.4)

First of all, happy Chinese New Year~~

Gnome 1.4 is a little aboriginal, focusing on enhancing user experience in function.

In Gnome 2.x,assistive technology was brought into consideration.

Gnome 1.4



develop tool:GNOME-VFS,Bonobo,Xml-i18n-tools,GConf

                        Enhanced Language Bindings,Enhanced GNOME Display Manager


"Nautilus – a new file manager and desktop environment that allows users to "
"easily manage their files, browse the web and access web-based services "
"through a sophisticated, customizable interface. For example, GNOME users "
"can select any word in a text document and do a Google search on that term "
"or look up the word in an online dictionary."

"Nautilus — 新的文件管理器和桌面环境,使用户能够通过一个精密的,可定制的"
"界面轻松地管理文件,浏览网页和访问基于 Web 的服务,。例如,GNOME 用户可以"

 "Better support and interoperability with KDE and legacy X applications"

 "为 KDE 和传统的 X 应用程序提供更好的支持和互操作性"

"New Application Launch Feedback lets the user know when a program is in the "
"process of being loaded."


"Sawfish window manager is now a standard part of GNOME. All aspects of the "
"user interface are customizable through Sawfish, including complete "
"configuration of the look and feel of the desktop."

"Sawfish 窗口管理器现在是 GNOME 的标准部件。通过 Sawfish 定制用户界面"

"Easier to use and more intuitive help browser and help system, boasting "
"extensive documentation covering all aspects of GNOME operations."

"覆盖 GNOME 业务的各个方面。"

 "GNOME Fifth Toe, a broad collection of applications that run on GNOME."

 "GNOME 第五趾,运行在 GNOME 上应用程序的广泛收集。"

"Medusa, the new GNOME searching/indexing package. Medusa is a content and "
"file indexing system that performs quick searches of a user’s hard drive."

"Medusa,新的 GNOME 搜索/索引包。 Medusa 是内容和文件索引系统,"

"“The goal of GNOME was to create a program that could be used by anyone.” "
"Miguel de Icaza, president of the GNOME Foundation said. “GNOME 1.4 reaches "
"that goal and more. The hundreds of volunteers and paid programmers who have "
"worked on the project have created a program that is powerful, both for the "
"user and the developer.” GNOME 1.4 will also include a number of "
"enhancements for developers, including:"

"“GNOME 的目标是创建一个人人可用的程序。” GNOME 基金会总裁 Miguel de Icaza "
"说。 “GNOME 1.4 达到目标,做得更好。参与该项目的数百名志愿者和有偿程序员们"
"创造了这个程序,无论对用户还是对开发人员来说都功能强大。“ GNOME 1.4 还包括开发者增强包,包括:"

"GNOME-VFS – The GNOME Virtual File System provides an abstraction to common "
"file system operations like reading, writing and copying files, listing "
"directories and so on. GNOME-VFS is extensible and usable from any "
"application on the GNOME desktop."

"GNOME-VFS — GNOME 虚拟文件系统为常见的文件系统操作提供了抽象,如读,写,复"
"制档案,列出目录等等。 GNOME-VFS是可扩展的,GNOME 桌面上的任何应用程序都可使用。"

"Updated Bonobo Component Model – 1.4 will include developments in the "
"interfaces that provide standard component programming and program "
"interoperability in Linux and Unix."

"更新的 Bonobo 组件模型 — 1.4 将包括接口,提供标准组件的可编程和在 Linux 和 Unix 的"

"Xml-i18n-tools – a set of tools for better internationalization and "
"localization of GNOME. Xml-i18n-tools contain some utility scripts for "
"internationalizing various kinds of XML files. In addition, it has a merging "
"feature, which will be extended to handle desktop and MIME files in the "

"XML-i18n 工具 — 更好的国际化和本地化的一套 GNOME 工具。 XML-i18n 工具包含了"
"一些国际各种 XML 文件的实用脚本。此外,它还有合并功能,这将被扩展到处理桌面和 MIME 文件。"

"GConf, a sophisticated system for storing configuration information. It "
"provides a notification service so applications can be notified when a "
"configuration setting changes. changes. Gconf also allows for pluggable "
"storage backends (text files, databases, etc.) and gives administrators "
"control over default and mandatory settings."

"配置或设置改变时,可以通知应用。GConf 还将允许可插拔的存储后端(文本文件,数据"

"Enhanced Language Bindings – facilitating the use of GNOME from a number of "
"programming languages. Language bindings included with GNOME 1.4 for Gtk+ "
"include C, C++, Objective C, Ada, Perl, Python, Guile, TOM, Eiffel, Dylan, "
"JavaScript, Pike, Pascal and Haskell. Many of these languages also have "
"support for GNOME widgets available."

"增强的语言绑定 — 促进多种编程语言使用 GNOME。GNOME 1.4 GTK+ 的语言绑定包括"
"C,C++,Objective C,Ada,Perl,Python,Guile,TOM,Eiffel,Dylan,"
"JavaScript,Pike,Pascal 和 Haskell。这些语言中许多支持 GNOME 组件的开发。"

"Enhanced GNOME Display Manager – A re-implementation of the well-known xdm "
"(X Display Manager) program that features X authentication, default and per-"
"display initialization scripts, pre and post-session scripts, pluggable "
"authentication modules and TCP wrappers for access control."

"增强 GNOME 显示管理器 — 知名的 XDM ( X 显示管理器)程序的重新实现,新增特性"
" X 认证,默认初始化脚本和每个显示器的初始化脚本,会话前后脚本,"
"可插拔认证模块和 TCP 访问控制包装。"



Useful Gvim Skills for translation work

As I use linux as normal operating system, and prefer gvim very much. I would like to share some skills to help keep your hands away from mouse bracing the high efficient way of working. Especially for the survive stage vim newbees. I hope the article will help you get into the translation work faster than spending long time learning vim from 0. 因为日常使用linux系统,翻译工作的工具又比较偏爱gvim,所以分享一些小技巧,希望帮助大家远离“鼠标+键盘”的低效工作模式,特别是刚刚处于survive阶段的vim轻度用户。快速在翻译工作中高效使用vim。 1.MOVE    移动 1.1 move between msgstr       msgstr间移动 The basic item of .po file is msgstr, when whose state is untranslated and fuzzy need working on. So jump between the msgstr is very simple: 在翻译中基本单位是msgstr,需要翻译的状态是:未翻译和fuzzy,在这两种状态直接的跳跃方法很简单: In both normal and insert state, SHIFT+F1, next untranslated,  SHIFT+F2, pre untranslated  SHIFT+F5, next fuzzy, SHIFT+F6, pre fuzzy. 两种状态下,SHIFT+F1,下一条未翻译,SHIFT+F2,上一条未翻译。 SHIFT+F5,下一条fuzzy,SHIFT+F6,上一条fuzzy。 If you would lik...

Back to Blogger

Start up my blogger spot again~ After working in a frequent re-organizing business unit in a big company for nearly 10 years, struggling in the seas of system, Bigdata, ML/DL, cloud, etc. On one hand I feel myself like Columbus overrun the seven seas(OSI) dreaming for land, on the other hand I feel like farming the four seasons, harvesting less for climate change or tribes migrate.  This year I have a new plan, to start a journey back to land. To farm on a small, stable land, growing something I like. Ref: little forest   Why I choose back to blogger, my expectation of my renew blog: - To track the thoughts - To incubate articles - To communicate on related topics    My previous ways: - github issue     - Pro: quiet enough for me:)     - Con: no feedback and discussion for the thoughts - local obsidian notes/xmind     - Pro: very efficient to trace and summary     - Con: I am the only reader The only way I c...